#1 Product designer tool for personalization store
Trusted by 6500+ customers, 1,000+ orders generated every day, 4.92/5.0 for customer service
Product Base
Product base is a design template that reflects the actual product. You can add designs and customize your product base. You can add new or choose existing bases in the backend

Design template
Design templates are a list of the template which you prepare for users use. They can add them to a product with one click. Even you can set a pre-template for a product for selling directly without adding to a design
Clipart are a list of the clipart which you prepare for users use. They can add them to a product with one click. Even you can set clipart for a product for selling directly without adding to a design.

A shape is a form of an object or its external boundary, outline, or external surface instead of other properties such as color, texture, or material composition. Lumise support shapes with SVG format.
Printing type
In industrial printing, there are many methods to process production design. Each product has its own methods, you need to create different methods for users to select when purchasing.

Select from over 1000+ Google Fonts to diversify text style for users. Besides, Lumise also supports add custom fonts that are not available on Google Fonts API.
Multi-language is a very crucial thing for an international printing store. English is the default language of Lumise. But, you can add your preferred languages in the Lumise language settings

Lattice supports each of us to focus on doing our best work and not be burdened with clunky systems that subscribe to outdated notions of performance management.
The general setting is where you can personalize your printing stores by changing the logo, favicon, language and theme... Further, you can add your store term & conditions.

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