Fix bugs

  • Resolve issue where the template disappears upon selection.
  • Fix the bug causing variations to disappear when clicking “Save.”
  • Correct the problem where default fonts are not displaying properly.
  • Fix the confirmation box show up each attributes change

Fix bugs

  • Fix the core save variation error in product base Lumise.
  • Fix the template position error when adding directly to the product.
  • Synchronize the Lumise cart and WooCommerce.
  • Fix the display design error in customer emails.

Fix bugs

  •  The error of displaying incorrect design in cart page / cart editor page.
  • Price calculation support for each character.
  • Bug showing out of stock variants.
  • Design error when adding font.
  • The error of displaying the wrong design area.
  • Deactive print error in settings.
  • Double text error in mobile.
  • Bug of color picker on mobile.
  • Checkout on mobile error.



Big update

  • Assistance in calculating the price per line
  • Price calculation support for each character.
  • Ability to compute the price per square inch (cm).
  • Set a font and a color limit for clipart, templates, images, and shapes.
  • Allows you to select a category for clipart and templates.
  • Move, remove, rotate, and scale objects are all available (for clipart, template, shape, font).
  • Allows you to select the component that displays on each product.Allows you to select the display list of menu options and toolbars.


What’s news

  • Compatible Woocommerce, WordPress new version and PHP8.


  • Able to remove the full color column from the Printing type.
  • Reduce the status of being unable to translate the language.

Fix bugs

  • Text is misdirected when selecting alignment.
  • Stock miscalculation both before and after purchase.
  • The Library (Images addon) is compatible with the Printing type.
  • Some fonts have text cropped out.
  • Display design images when utilizing the Share feature.
  • View in Lumise editor feature (Woocommerce + Lumise order) .
  • Download mock-up of a variable product .
  • “Crop the image” when replacing photos on a mobile device.
  • Wrong display product color when selecting Start new product .
  • Display color picker table on mobile show up.
  • The small thumbnail image in the Cart icon does not match the actual design product.

What’s news

  • Multi language for attribute


  • Change variation in editor
  • Atribute in product base
  • Thumbnail of product in editor
  • Menu on mobile with Chinese
  • Share design
  • Button “Update position” for design area in backend

What’s news

  • Change variaiton on Lumise editor(product variable create with Woocommerce)
  • place to enter the license for addons


  • Thumbnail stage on editor
  • Update core to support new version of addon vendor
  • Update core to support addon Prinful

What’s news

  • Lumise Theme
  • Confirm the license for addon (vendor + bundle)


  • Config variation Woocommerce
  • Count color
  • Preview custom font with no-latin

What’s news

  • Support Woocommerce Variable
  • Export PDF with Bleed and Crop
  • Download design with base for each product
  • Editor work on Iframe(include editor on page)
  • Only show design thumbnail on cart page

Fix bugs

  • Download include base on editor
  • Translate language
  • Attribute package
  • Improve editzone


  • My design
  • Mobile mode
  • Export PDF
  • Add new template with PNG and JPG file
  • QR code on mobile
  • Replace image
  • Text mask on mobile


  • Product base attributes, more flexible & powerful. Custom price for each option, set default value, advanced quantity
  • Optimized editor to work with super large images
  • Auto zoom product to fit the screen
  • Change the param ?product= to ?product_base= on the editor to fix the error 404
  • Incorect editzone config after saving product
  • Large number of variations
  • Export template: adding params to support the correct display of objects


  • Auto fit product image with screen
  • Upload large font files
  • Double objects
  • Upgrade checkout process
  • Auto corect font name for custom upload fonts
  • Upgrade database structures

What’s new

  • Variations system allows custom price, printing, design
  • Addon system, we open hooks & filters for build addons
  • New attributes system
  • New “my designs” system & auto save for it
  • Export fully PDF with vectors
  • Links view & download designs in emails
  • Select sizes for printing in product setting
  • Lock design template, only edit exist objects (an option in tab possition to lock it for Admin only)
  • Custom JS code from backend to run on editor page
  • Manage the uploaded images of product base
  • Thumbnail stage
  • Print download under png, svg, pdf

Fix bugs

  • Lost design when checkout again after editing
  • Portrait / Landcapse size print export
  • Viewing product in screen sizes and mobile
  • Setting default google fonts
  • Google auto transalte API


  • Print options for downloading
  • Clear draft after checkout, reset to default design in mobile
  • Lock design template, only edit exist objects (an option in tab possition to lock it for Admin only)
  • Link to print in Woocomerce orders
  • Show Lumise quantity in customer’s email order
  • Clear draft after checkout, reset to default design in mobile
  • Portrait / Landcapse size print export
  • Options in print to show all without limit zone

Fix bugs

  • Fix shipping calculation with Woocommerce
  • Fix RLT language support on mobile and tablet
  • Fix Thumbnail error on the cart page(Woocommercer version 3.4.x)
  • Fix upload template, clipart and product image

What’s new

  • Set the packages checkout for product base (Place qty for each package at a dynamic price)
  • Advanced print type size & color, add more or delete column
  • Export design by inch
  • Set min/max quantity for total
  • Set label for stages
  • Set number of stages
  • Set the prefix for file name download
  • Min & max dimensions setting for images can be added
  • System status

Fix bugs

  • When checkout, the large data causes db error
  • Broken the print design link for orders backend
  • Crop image large width in mobile devices
  • Scroll select products on mobiles devices
  • UTF-8 characters, Custom Fonts, Letter spacing for export SVG
  • Help tabs menu for unicode content
  • Count colors
  • Export PDF for large width product


  • Fully export to SVG for AI (text, images, vectors)
    Active the print type as default to avoid error message

What’s new

  • Colors manage for easier add colors for products
  • Capabilities available for view, edit sections and upload files
  • Disable add to cart button from
  • Woocommerce
  • Set min/max size uploads
  • Set min/max quantity
  • Enable/disable online resources
  • Print design including base image

Fix bugs

  • Show value of input range for FireFox
  • Load google fonts
  • Broken the print design link for orders backend
  • Crop image large width in mobile devices
  • Scroll select products on mobiles devices
  • UTF-8 characters, Custom Fonts, Letter spacing for export SVG
  • Help tabs menu for unicode content
  • Count colors


  • Select multiple objects by touch & move 1 finger
  • Move the view by 2 fingers on mobile devices
  • Zoom by 2 fingers on Android APP
  • Set label for colors
  • Create new color by hex, name and picker
  • Reduce minimum size for uploading product base
  • Improve experience for mobile devices

What’s new

  • Update core automatically in backend
  • Change colors for SVG
  • Advanced SVG Editor
  • Active/deactive templates, cliparts by category
  • Enable/disable color picker, use only colors set by admin
  • New “Back to shop” button
  • Notify update in WP menu
  • Correction showing in
  • Woo product edit

Fix bugs

  • Upload custom product image
  • Printing export
  • Displying on mobile devices
  • Share’s thumbnail
  • Show more/less product description